The undergraduate program in Sociology is designed to satisfy the intellectual, career, and civic interests of students who are concerned about social inequality, social change, and social interaction. The sociological perspective and the technical knowledge and skills developed in this program contribute to critical thinking, writing skills, and data-based reasoning. The program prepares students for a broad range of occupations in health, social work, law, public affairs, public administration, criminal justice, industrial organization, education, etc.
Many Sociology courses are part of the University Social Science Core. These courses address a wide range of important sociological themes ranging from the study of major social institutions, such as the family, religion, education, mass media, the workplace, and justice system, to the analysis of global social processes including culture, identity formation, war and peace, deviance and social control, aging, social movements, and inequalities in the areas of race, class, and gender.
Information on Core Courses
The course listings in Course Information and Schedule will indicate which, if any, Core requirements are satisfied by each course.
Major Requirements
Sociology majors are required to take a minimum of 30 credits (generally ten courses) in Sociology. These courses must include the following:
- Either SOCY1001 Introductory Sociology (preferably SOCY1001.01, the section designed for Sociology majors and minors), or SOCY1002 Intro to Sociology for Healthcare Professionals, but not both.
- Statistics (SOCY2200), Social Theory (SOCY2215), and Research Methods (SOCY2210) are also required.
- 18 credits in elective courses, at least 9 credits of which must be in upper-level courses (SOCY3000 or higher).
Minor Requirements
Sociology minors are required to take a minimum of 18 credits (generally six courses). These courses must include the following:
- Either SOCY1001 Introductory Sociology (preferably SOCY1001.01, the section designed for Sociology majors and minors), or SOCY1002 Intro to Sociology for Healthcare Professionals, but not both.
- Statistics (SOCY2200), Social Theory (SOCY2215), and Research Methods (SOCY2210) are also required.
- 6 credits in elective courses, at least 3 credits of which must be in courses numbered SOCY3000 or above.
Honors Program
Membership in the undergraduate Honors Program in Sociology is by invitation and is designed to give eligible Sociology majors (3.50 GPA in Sociology) the experience of doing original sociological research that leads to a Senior Honors Thesis. The program includes a three-course Honors sequence that allows students to work closely with a faculty advisor and other students in the Program. The sequence begins in the second term of the junior year when students read some of the most engaging classics of sociological research. In the first semester of the senior year, students design an original project and in the last semester of the senior year, they gather and analyze the data and write the thesis. For details, contact
Information for Study Abroad
Although the Sociology Department designates no particular prerequisites, it strongly recommends that students have completed at least five courses in Sociology, including all of the required courses (Introductory Sociology or Intro to Sociology for Health Care Professionals, Statistics, Methods, and Theory), prior to going abroad.
Courses taken overseas in a department of Sociology or Anthropology of a BC-approved program will almost always be accepted for credit towards the Sociology major. The department recommends not more than two Sociology courses in any one semester or five Sociology courses in a full year. Courses taken in other departments will not be considered for Sociology credit unless a syllabus and reading list are submitted. All Sociology majors should contact when planning their study abroad program.
The Sociology Department does not accept overseas courses for Social Science Core credit.
B.A./M.S.W. Program
Majors in Sociology have the opportunity to earn two degrees over a period of five consecutive years. The choice of this program will provide the Sociology major with an undergraduate B.A. degree in Sociology and with the professional degree of Master of Social Work. The B.A. degree will be awarded with the student's undergraduate class. The master's degree will be awarded one year later. Sociology majors must apply to this program no later than April of their sophomore year so that the required course sequence and degree requirements can be fulfilled. For details, contact and the M.S.W. Program website.