Simboli Hall 325
Telephone: 617-552-6517
Email: watersjh@orkexpo.net
Prophetic literature, especially Jeremiah; feminist and womanist approaches to Scripture; ecological hermeneutics; animal studies; social-scientific criticism
A native Philadelphian and alumna of Boston College (BA, Theology and Philosophy), Jaime L. Waters is Associate Professor of Old Testament and Program Director of Courage to Preach. She holds graduate degrees from Yale Divinity School (MA, Religion) and Johns Hopkins University (MA, PhD, Near Eastern Studies). Dr. Waters is working on a commentary on the book of Jeremiah for the Wisdom Commentary Series (Liturgical Press) and a book on methods of biblical interpretation (Baker Academic). She is also a contributor at America Magazine. Before joining the CSTM faculty, Dr. Waters taught for nine years in the department of Catholic Studies at DePaul University.
“A Biblical Model of Love.” Pages 73-80 in Fratelli Tutti: A Global Commentary. Studies in World Catholicism 13. Edited by William T. Cavanaugh, Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez, OP, Ikenna Ugochukwu Okafor, and Daniel Franklin E. Pilario, CM. Eugene: Cascade Books, 2024.
“Prophetic Tenacity.” Pages 62-74 in Do Black Lives Matter?: How the Christian Scriptures Speak to Black Empowerment. Edited by Lisa M. Bowens and Dennis R. Edwards. Eugene: Cascade Books, 2023.
“Pain and Provocation: A Social-Scientific Reading of Jeremiah 15.” Pages 127-135 in A Sage in New Haven: Essays on the Prophets, the Writings, and the Ancient World in Honor of Robert R. Wilson. Edited by Alison Acker Gruseke and Carolyn J. Sharp. Ägypten und Altes Testament, Band 117. Münster: Zaphon, 2023.
“The Word” column in America: The Jesuit Review of Faith & Culture, 2019-2022.
What Does the Bible Say About Animals? Hyde Park: New City Press, 2022.
“The Belly: Phinehas’ Target in Numbers 25:8.” Conversations with the Biblical World XXXVII (2017): 38-55.
“Can I Have a Word?: Methods of Communication in Judges 6.” Antiguo Oriente 13 (2015): 169-82.
Threshing Floors in Ancient Israel: Their Ritual and Symbolic Significance. Emerging Scholars Series. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2015.
Journal of Biblical Literature, Editorial Board Member
The Bible Today, Associate Editor